The podcast where a Gal & her pals celebrate their love of weed, snacks, and tv.

Burn Cruise 02

Burn Cruise 02

Welcome to Burn Cruise, Pilot Lites’ monthly bonus episode! On this episode, the gals, Kelsea & Riley, chat recipe reviews, read our listeners Stoner Stories, and really dig into the non-pilot episodes of TV they’ve been watching. This month, the pals dig into budget recipes, inspired by Riley’s dad, read some Stoner Stories that have us laughing hard, and do some live unpacking of their white privilege while talking about what else they’re watching.

You can find Budget Bytes here, a website we reference in the episode.

Got a Stoner Story to submit?!? Do that here!

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"Big Mouth", or We've Come So Far

"F*ck, That's Delicious", or Big Dudes, Small Restaurant