September 2020 Sponsors

Best Buds

Casco Botanical captures the unique strain experience in their product descriptions to provide you with maximum insight. They believe in:

Research-based: They believe traditional strain categories aren’t helpful. They make every decision with care for Earth and plant. Science is their love language.

Botanical wisdom: Cannabis is an ancient plant framed in a novel industry. Blending modern day practices with tried and true wisdom, their methods help set the standard. Some things only time can sow.

Quality for all: Everyone is a connoisseur and Quality is for all. Beauty, aroma, and sensation—they grow for the best experiences. And they want to share them with the world.

Find them at your favorite Maine dispensary (if they aren’t carried, make sure you ask!), or order directly from them on Weedmaps! Don’t forget to use code ‘pilotlites’ for 15% off your first order!


Subscription Sponsor

Sensibox is a stoner’s lifestyle box. Each month, you’re discreetly shipped a hand curated box full of stoner goodies, including a new piece! Make sure you use code ‘pilotlites10’ for 10% off your first order!

Stoner Sponsor

Central Maine Flower is a locally owned and operated licensed MMMP caregiver storefront located in Lewiston, Maine. They pride themselves on producing high-quality, lab tested products at an affordable rate that everyone can enjoy. Central Maine Flower offers a relaxing, friendly, and professional atmosphere with a knowledgeable staff that stands by the mission to provide an exceptional experience to every visitor.

Use the code CMFCast2020 for 1 Extra Bloom Stamp & 10% OFF ENTIRE Order

SNack Sponsor

Sweet Dirt is a Maine state-licensed medicinal cannabis caregiver providing compassionate, affordable healing through high-quality cannabis and wholesome CBD/hemp products cultivated with organic growing practices.

In September, they sent us to Westbrook House of Pizza and Jack’s Thai.